As with other posts in this series, this is the results of a test I took today, July 16th, 2021.
焼 楽 涼 九 冷 葉 歯 高 式 細 結 暖 悪 婚 北 夜 利 過 秋 画 映 車 慣 竹 特 服
On the row 22 kanji test, I missed 焼 and 慣 but like last row I'll learn them on the next day. I got 冷 wrong writing 寒 incorrectly, but I got the reading correct. I got lucky on the rest of the kanji. I didn't draw 涼 or 画 because I skipped them by accident. I know them barely well enough to accept them as correct. Why am I forcing these rows to be quicker than previous rows? This is the first row of Japanese 5 from MIT OCW. It's intended to be memorized in a week along with another row. That's right, the number of kanji per week nearly doubles in this fifth class (I think).
If you're desiring more of my tests and less of my chat, below are the daily kanji tests I'm doing starting at row 2 to boost my recognition and come up with a definitive list of kanji I haven't memorized yet.
- Row 4 Test July 13, 2021 96%
店 電 雨 先 入 出 行 山 口 来 右 学 川 少 高 前 方 九 白 同 左 生 話 間 関 係 - Row 5 Test July 14, 2021 88%
新 古 車 話 安 書 下 手 日 校 食 赤 左 買 聞 分 今 少 屋 電 田 作 名 紙 - Row 6 Test July 15, 2021 92%
年 下 半 後 火 午 休 作 金 少 木 古 水 九 曜 毎 時 山 万 本 今 土 月 行 - Row 7 Test July 16, 2021 92%
寺 週 毎 店 友 百 忙 次 間 五 村 明 半 早 上 水 青 話 朝 京 出 晩 東 私
In row 4 I drew 語 instead of 話 because I couldn't think of a better kanji for tale or talk. Clearly 話 fits better because 語 is language. I did 関係 like I said I would in row 21. Because these rows are so low, I didn't consider studying them the day before. I think from row 5 on I'll do some study just to keep my mind in the habit of getting right answers when it can. Whether that's good or bad I don't know.
On July 13th I did a vocabulary test (no kanji necessary, just N5) with 100 words. I got 51/100 which is abysmal. That said, I haven't been memorizing ones I've gotten wrong on previous tests and there are 700 words to memorize, so it's a pretty difficult task. This shows that I'm 50% to N5 vocabulary. I doubt my grammar is better, which means I have a ways to go.
In row 5 I drew 書 wrong. I also added く to the reading, when it's quite obvious to me that that isn't the correct reading, but adding anything to the reading is not as bad as misdrawing. That said, this misdrawing is possibly readable by any Japanese reader considering how simple a kanji it is and how few look like the kanji I drew. I drew an extra stroke on 屋 which is absolutely acceptable for communication. I missed two strokes on 紙 and I knew I did. This radical 氏 that looks like 民 is not easy to remember. Which kanji in my list use it? 紙 and 民. Yeah... Anyway, it's a valuable kanji, so let's learn it. I've decided to prepare for these daily tests by looking at the kanji from the row the day before. I think that's bound to improve my scores.
09:16 < Javantea> two mistakes on row 6, I forgot the ヨヨ on 曜 and I drew 来 instead of 行 which is embarrassing
This sort of thing is the normal sort of mistakes I should make on row 19, not row 6. It just goes to show that my knowledge (although quite good) is subject to error when the priority is rapid completion instead of perfection. I am definitely in the camp of good enough and I want to stay there. Good enough has its place, don't get me wrong I strive for perfection in projects where that provides benefit (and some that don't).
On row 7 I drew 友 and 半 wrong. I missed one stroke on 週 making 土 into 十 but because there couldn't possibly be a kanji that looks anything like what I drew, I count it as correct (communication, not calligraphy). Watching it after I noticed I drew こ instead of ご for the reading of 五. I said it aloud ご so it's just a drawing mistake. こ means child, ご means five or language. I recorded this test with OBS, so if you're curious you can watch a short clip of it. I don't want anyone to watch it in its entirety but I also can't expect someone to read my blog before they watch the video.
What else is going on? Exercising an hour a day for weeks (while listening to is improving my health while making the process fairly lightweight in cost. While most people don't have hours to waste each day learning Japanese, I have prioritized it over other things. I drew some calligraphy yesterday. Just 書手紙 てがみおいえうあたつけるむのまなくれわか on a piece of scrap paper that I'm going to recycle (reuse reuse reuse).
I want to publish my data on my half marathon and my book review, but I'm not putting any effort into it.
Until next time!
I'll hopefully post all tests as I pass them. Wish me luck.
Previous episodes:
Learning to Read and Write Kanji
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 5
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 6
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 7
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 8
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 9
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 10
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 11
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 12
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 13
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 14
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 15
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 16
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 17
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 18
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 19
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 20
Learning to Read and Write Kanji Row 21
Javantea out.
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