Aug 22, 2020
Melody 1: C E♭ G F G
Melody 2: C E♭ G F G C G F C
Chords: C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 F7 F7 C7 C7 G7 F7 C7 C7
Bass: CCC_C_CCC_
Bass synchronizes with measure after 3 repetitions (4 measures) by resting 2 8th notes.
Bass variation: CCF_C_CCC_ used once on measure 10
Hi hat: 8 open 2 open 1 closed 5 open
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April 13, 2015
Hi Jim, this is Joel. I'd like to ask you to tell your fellow congresscritters to vote against reauthorizing section 215 of the Patriot Act. You understand that the mass surveillance that is currently occurring under your watch is unconstitutional and makes our country not a functioning democracy but a dictatorship, a tyranny. Tell your fellow congressmen and congresswomen to vote against reauthorizing section 215 of the Patriot Act and that will be a step toward making our nation a functioning democracy with a working system of checks and balances. Nothing can undo the harm that has already occurred under the Patriot Act and we can no doubt expect that the NSA will repeatedly attempt to continue mass surveillance of the entire world, including innocent American citizens here in the US. Constant vigilance is required to ensure that the tyranny that the NSA has created collapses and is never again rebuilt.
I will keep the rest of my thoughts to myself so that you can go on doing your job.
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