Wealthy Vampires: The Prophets of Non-Profit

No explanation need. Javantea out.

Subject: Questions to Monette Anderson
From: David Larsen <DavidLa@psbc.org>
To: "jvoss@altsci.com" <jvoss@altsci.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 09:24:17 -0700
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From:David Larsen <DavidLa@psbc.org>
To:"jvoss@altsci.com" <jvoss@altsci.com>
Date:Fri, 9 Sep 2011 09:24:17 -0700
Subject:Questions to Monette Anderson
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Dear Javantea/Mr. Voss,

Thank you for your email to Monette Anderson on the subject of blood doping. The response to your specific questions follow.

Q: Is there any way for a person who is legally allowed to purchase blood from PSBC?

A: No. We do not sell blood to individuals. Puget Sound Blood Center (PSBC) is an independent, nonprofit organization that combines Western Washington's community-based blood bank with an integrated Research Institute. We operate the world's largest centralized transfusion service for patients in more than 70 hospitals and clinics across 14 counties. Patients undergoing surgery or receiving therapy for leukemia, cancer, burns, hemophilia and traumatic injuries -- as well as for tissue and organ transplantation -- depend on us.

Q.: Are all units of all types of blood accounted for under all circumstances?

A: Yes. The FDA has rigorous standards around blood and blood product supply, safety, inventory, chain of custody, record-keeping and accountability.

Q: Do you use double-entry accounting to ensure that no blood is disposed of by a corrupt medical janitorial service?

A: Our blood and blood product inventory management protocols meet rigorous FDA standards.

Q.: Do you sell blood to hospitals that are engaged in blood doping?

A: No.

Q.: Do you sell l or give blood to the military?

A: Yes. We provide blood to the US armed forces, and conduct blood drives at military facilities. Blood and blood products are used for exactly the same medical, emergency and therapeutic purposes as occurs at civilian hospitals.

Thank you for sharing your views with us. I hope you will reconsider your decision not to donate blood.

David A. Larsen
Director of Communications
Puget Sound Blood Center
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