by Javantea
Oct 29, 2012
I've been making excellent progress on my game. What you can see in the image below (way below) is random NPC colors, buildings, and GUI elements. The text outline isn't working like it should be, but that's not a big problem. All NPCs are animated and in this scene I'm rendering 100 at 60 FPS (it uses a lot of CPU, but it should be possible to improve greatly). The AI has been hooked up in such a way that you can talk to it. There's a bunch of stuff left to do, but I'm really enthusiastic about how far I am. I mean, all parts of the game are started. The graphics are poor, but I didn't set out to write a video game that was going to rest upon beautiful graphics. This game is special, it's going to have something that other games lack. It will be unique in so many ways, I doubt anyone will be able to say that it is yet another clone of <insert game here>. Of course I still am working my day job (and lots of hours as well), so it's bedtime instead of coding time.
Javantea out.
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